Thursday 10 March 2011

Mr competitive

Tonight I intended to run a slow 6 (anywhere between 7m 30s and 8m 00s / mile). To be honest, I was pretty bored. I find it frustrating running at that kind of pace. So when a serious looking runner joined the circuit around the park and just sat a couple of yards ahead of me at almost exactly the same pace, I decided I'd had enough and stepped it up a gear. Miles 3 and 4 were perhaps just below target marathon pace, then I slowed down again for the last two miles. The whole 6 miles took me 45m 49s. I felt fresh - barely even broke a sweat ;-) I also wore my heart rate monitor: my average HR was 155 bpm, so I have at least another 30 bpm to play with at the half marathon on Sunday. I'll rest between now and then. Race report to follow - woo hoo!


  1. Race report to follow . . . . ! Where is it then?

  2. Patience is a virtue, Holmes! We only got home from Den Haag at midnight last night, and I started writing my report when I got home from work but had no time before the pub quiz this evening (one point off first place and a meal voucher - booo!). I'll finish up tomorrow. For now I can tell you that I didn't win ;-)
